jeudi 8 août 2013

The Awakening - Matter and Cells

The Earth is awakening. Humanity is awakening. We are not awakening simply to a new mental experience and knowledge of life, nor are we simply awakening to a new spiritual paradigm and existence. We are awakening even in the very material substance of our bodies. Matter itself is awakening. It is awakening from a billion-years trance in which it has been imprisoned. It is awakening from a mental stranglehold which has held it captive in its web-like snare, limited it from being what Matter purely is when it is free of Mind.  Matter is not dead. It never was. It only appears to be to our limited perceptiveness of life. Our minds could not grasp the experience of the smallest particles of life for much of our human history, and so our experience has been dominated by the superficial, the surface appearances and movements which are absorbing and consuming, confusing and addicting. With our minds we have sought to understand matter and its ways, its life and energies. But it is not with our minds that we can see the depths of Matter’s truths, nor the truth of the human spirit. We have not truly peered within ourselves with our inner sense, in the complete silence of the mind and emotions and sensations, and, because of this fact, we – including all the religions, spiritualities, and yogas of the history of the world – have not been able to discover that Matter contains its own greater truth which is inherently connected to the truth of all of life.

Most of the religious and spiritual philosophies have put forth visions or messages about the realization of a “heaven on Earth,” but most have strangely adopted beliefs which suggest that heaven is beyond Earth and that the goal of spiritual progress is to ultimately renounce the world and life and be free of it all, to escape to some paradise beyond. This is why all have ultimately failed in their attempts to change the world, for they cannot change a world that they see as sinful and ignorant, as illusion and false, when they also believe in escapism. Escapism shall change nothing. Matter is not evil, though it is dominated now by our mental ignorance, our human consciousness of falsehood. Yet this is not our truth, nor the ultimate truth of Matter itself. This is the great Mask which is hiding the real Face of Truth.  The true Face of Matter. Matter as we experience it is not true Matter, but Matter enslaved by humanity’s limited consciousness, a consciousness of Mind, and of uncontrolled vital force. We experience Matter according to our inner state of being, a state of being which dominates even the substance of our own bodies. It is too simplistic to say that it is our everyday thinking mind which dictates our body’s experience, though thought and the “ordinary mind” does have its influence. It is, rather, our entire Consciousness which is made up of various aspects and qualities and functions and planes of being which creates the experience of our everyday lives. We are composed of mental energies, as well as vital energies and forces (Life-Force), and then of course our physical natures, the substance of our bodies which are the foundation of our experience. The vital and mental planes of our being also within themselves have various aspects special to their nature, and all are bound up and interconnected within the physical embodiment (both individually and collectively). Ultimately all of these aspects of our being – mental, vital, physical – are integrated within one united whole of a greater Spiritual existence, a Spirit-Substance which is, in truth, the Divine Itself in its phenomenal manifestation. All of life, including Matter, is the supreme manifestation of a living Divine Consciousness, a Supreme Being, God in the most all-encompassing sense. 

Our world today is undergoing a shift in its perception of life and its perception of matter. This shift will be seen as an immense leap into the future of the human experience. We are slowly beginning to realize that this extreme distinction between spirit and matter, between God and Life, which we have held in most of our belief systems throughout human history is not true. We are awakening to both the understanding that Matter is simply the manifestation of Spirit-Energy, that Matter is the living, breathing, evolving substance of God, of the Divine Consciousness which animates all of life.

There is no opposition ! Matter is form of Spirit, the living embodiment of this thing we call God. Of course, by this we do not mean that this present manifestation of matter in our current reality and our experience of it is the absolute and total and perfect embodiment of the Divine. What this means is that all of Matter reflects some aspect of this Divine Consciousness. Currently matter is immersed in a consciousness of falsehood which we could very easily call unconsciousness or Ignorance as known by many in the Eastern spiritual traditions. Yet while matter is controlled and transfixed in this unconsciousness there is in the heart of Matter an involved and potential Divine Consciousness which is behind all of it, urging the creation towards its Truth, its essential Source which is this Divine Consciousness. This hidden Divinity in the Rock, in Matter, slowly works and evolves out of Its own Spirit Substance more of Itself, more and more of Its Divine Existence and Nature, building and expanding and growing the creation until it becomes prepared and capable of manifesting the true Fullness of the Divine Consciousness and its infinite and eternal splendors which lie beyond our present experience of life. Again, I will repeat that it is IN MATTER where one can find the Divine Presence and Truth, and that Matter can help us to realize this. This is where we can discover that the cells, the most humble and sincere and all-serving Cells of Life, are the supreme emissaries of God, of the Divine Consciousness.

The cells are not simply part of evolution, the cells ARE evolution. It is absolutely true that we evolve spiritually, mentally, vitally, and psychically, but it is in our bodies, IN MATTER, where all of this evolution truly effects and transforms life, infusing new material realities into our existence. Whatever spiritual evolution or growth occurs within ourselves, it is only when it is brought down to the level of Matter, through all the layers and levels of our being and consciousness, and into the cellular consciousness of our bodies, that evolution can materialize the Divine Truth in the physical plane of existence. As long as we stay in our mental or vital “heavens,” the physical, material plane of life on Earth stays the same and undergoes no real transformation. It is in the cells where the battle of the past, the present, and the Future is taking place.

Source : Noël