Le Voyage Archétypal, Onirique, Metalogique et Oxymorique
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samedi 31 août 2013
vendredi 30 août 2013
jeudi 29 août 2013
The Game is Yours To Play
The Game of Earth is Yours To Play
You have come to this planet to learn. There is no right or wrong, simply frequency selection. That's it. You have come to integrate experience and let go of judgement. This is the game of earth and you are all playing very well. Having fun ?
Earth is game of decension and then reascension. You already know what it's like to be a multidimensional being in the 5th, 6th, 7th and so on dimensional realities. You've been there, done that. You already know that you are connected to absolutely everyone and everything simultaneously, but what would it be like if you didn't know that ? What would it be like if you had a veil that hid all of your power from you and made you think you had no power ? You see, you are so powerful that you must play the game of a limited being, with limited perspectives, limited awareness and limited everything, otherwise where's the fun in always being in the realm of the highest power.
When a teenager plays a video game and gets really good at it, they can play the game every day and win over and over against even the hardest obstacles or opponents. So then they are faced with a dichotomy. They want to continue playing their favorite game but they've already mastered it. So what will they do to not lose interest ? They begin to select weaker players who they will then match against stronger opponents. Then they master those as well and continue selecting the weakest players of all until they can face the strongest obstacles or opponents. This is the game you are playing on earth. It is a grand experiment and you are blessed with genetic material from the entire universe to help you along the way.
You have divine energy and infinite power so you have chosen to descend to see how difficult it would be to ascend while still in physical form. You think you can't walk on water, or fly ? That's only because you believe you can't, and at the moment it's not in your best interest to do so. But you can.
Your goal was always to change your vibrational experience. Oh, and you added linear time to the mix while you were at it. Instead of seeing all concurrent realities at once (as you normally do on the other side), you have chosen to see only one perspective and one path in front of you.
Most human beings on the planet have difficulty comprehending that time does not exist. You bound this energetically to your DNA so that you could perceive time. But it doesn't exist. Time is circular and not linear. You recreate yourself infinite numbers of times per minute so that you can feel what you call time. That's why you are never the same person from day to day. You are never even the same person from second to second. You are constantly in a state of flux, refreshing a new version of yourself energetically and you have so much fun doing that without even realizing what you are doing.
Every single reality you believe in whether past, present and future happen simultaneously. That's why your greatest gift is the present because that's all you have to effectuate change to create a different vibrational reality for yourselves. Being in the present and in the "now" is all you have to do to change your vibration. You don't have to meditate or sit in front of 30 candles in a low lit room with incense and soft music. You just have to be in the "now". That's it.
The mind was setup to be the operating system of limitation so that you could have this very unique experience as a dense being. There is nothing wrong with having a limited perspective. It is unique and beautiful in many ways. In 5th dimensional realities, which are what you are now heading towards, this limited perspective decreases considerably. You will see things from multiple perspectives and you will manifest immediately, as opposed to the lag time you experienced in your past. You will start using the 5th dimensional format more and more. Instead of wondering why you're blocked energetically, you'll just align with the new frequency. This means that close to 100 percent of all disease will disappear as well.
When you start using the heart as your filter, everything will become easier. Until now, most of you have been using your mind. The mind is the 3D filter. The heart is a multidimensional filter capable of electrical electromagnetic energy that the mind is not capable of. "Think with the heart, not the mind."
In every year that now passes, you will understand more what time really is. You will only use time as a marker that you can refer back to if necessary. Think of a library and how you know exactly where the book you need is to retrieve the information you require. This is how you will eventually interpret time.
The answers will come. If you are open to them, they will come. If you find you're not getting the answers, sit quietly and breathe. Deep breaths in and out. This helps connect you.
Carry a journal with you. Write down your thoughts. You will have so many aspiring thoughts in the months to come that you will forget them if you do not write them down. Some of your other lifetimes may come into your focus and you will start to question the nature of reality. Write it down. This moves it through physical vehicle and it then becomes more valid to you. As you write things down, the frequency is encoded in the words you write. When you read it again, you access that vibrational state and feel the inspiration.
The levels of the lower masculine energies dictate that a specific pattern of thought or experience must be followed chronologically in steps 1, 2 and 3. In divine flow, you will proceed very differently. You'll start with step 1 and then go to step 15, then back to step 7 and then step 2, etc. Yet your experience will be complete as you pick up everything you need along the way. Why? Because you will be operating primarily through the heart center.
You may have found yourself already sharing much of your time with different projects and people as you enter into this phase. Lower masculine energy wants you to DO. The activation of the divine feminine energies want you to just be. The divine masculine energy says as you are you pulse out. As you spiral up, the divine feminine energy reads frequency and the divine masculine engages that frequency.
What is your version of the truth ? Do you think it is THE truth ? With the exception of love, there is no absolute truth and you will start understanding the different perspectives of truth on the planet and why they exist.
You are always putting yourself in a "now" moment that creates a vibrational signature. You have an agreed upon a set of circumstances that you define as your collective history and then you have another subset that is your personal history. As you change your vibration on an individual level, you decide whether you want to align with the collective version of the "truth". Your individual frequency may suddenly align with a version that is so far from your current perspective that you could not even relate to it yesterday. That's when you have jumped timelines, something you'll also become very aware of.
It is not so much what you think that creates your reality. It is what you feel. If you feel really good, your reality changes. If you have trouble feeling what you want, your ego is in the way. So imagine what it would feel like to have what you want. That will help get the mind out of the way so that you can manifest your desires.
If you have read this far in this article, then you are likely doing all the work you need to do to release holding patterns and you are ready to move forward. You are guiding those receptive to galactic information. It will get easier for you to speak with others about consciousness and all those things we discuss here. You may also be processing persecution issues from other lifetimes which will also release as universal truths are revealed. It will become conscious and accepted for all.
Your awareness of what sound is will also shift. It is through sound and frequency that all is created and generated. All matter vibrates and creates sound. However there are different dimensional versions of sound which many of you may start to hear. For example, the universe, earth and collective consciousness all have their own sound. Each of your individual organs has its own sound. There is actually a symphony that is created for your body and you may start to hear these sounds as you look within yourself.
Do you feel like the earth's consciousness is not moving fast enough so that all may awaken ? Why are people taking so long ? It's not them, it's you. Shift timelines and go to where you want to be. If you feel you are stuck somewhere that you don't want to be, you have the free will to shift at anytime. Can't shift ? It means that your current reality is serving you somehow. You would not be on your current timeline if it was not serving you. You would be on another version where the collective would be doing something different. You can create anything you like, but it is the limitation in your beliefs that prevents you from shifting.
The frequency of the collective affects you and your frequency affects the collective. This simple understanding will enable you all to change the planet. If you don't like your environment, city, state, country or the people in it, don't fret on those things you dislike. Focus on the things you do like because any emphasis on what you don't like keeps you on that frequency. Those who constantly relive history and emphasize horrific historical facts maintain that vibration. Those who focus on violence and the evil desires of others maintain that vibration. Those who think negatively, maintain a vibration that is perceived as negative.
Think positive and be positive. If you are drawn to media that promotes all the bad in the world, check within yourself as to why you are drawn to that information. This alone will change your reality and help change mass consciousness.
You are a divine being of light and infinite energy. You are so blessed to be experiencing your life right now. It is perfect. You are perfect and you are loved more than you could ever know. As the great Gandhi once said "Be the change you want to see in the world."
Michael Forrester is a spiritual counselor and is a practicing motivational speaker for corporations in Japan, Canada and the United States.
mercredi 28 août 2013
Ego and Spiritual Pride
In this context, spiritual pride is the belief that one person is better than another because they have studied longer; or their perception of the Universe is more correct that another perspective offered; or simply arrogance towards another who is on a different path.
Before I start I will state here that spiritual pride in the context of being proud to stand up and assert yourself in Love and Light is not what I am talking about here : I am talking about the ego’s spiritual pride.
So do you have moments when your ego asserts itself when the subject of spirituality steps forward ?
The ego is but a defence mechanism for while we are working on this Earth, however over time as humanity has evolved so has the ego. Just look at the materialism and fear that is in the world today. The ego lives off fear, and wants nothing else but to keep its hold over us.
What if I told you that by being mindful of your interactions with others who seem to be spiritually proud in a negative way is simply an indicator of your spiritual pride and attitude ?
What about those bible-bashing Christians (or any other religion for that matter) who approached you and spewed forth their words and condemnation, as their way is the only way. What does this say about you ? Remember, like-attracts-like. Are you being too ego driven with your spiritual pride also ? How did you react to those people who tried to push their belief systems onto you ? Did you react with the ego or with Love ?
Often our reactions to these types of situations reveal a soul wound that needs to be healed, or a belief system that needs to be demolished for our greatest good.
Whenever the ego arises it is not a step backwards from your True Self, sometimes it can be very helpful to give us clues as to what step we should take next to help raise our vibration.
These days I am much more conscious of my ego as it has had me trapped for years through fear, doubt, anger, resentment and hurt. Every time I notice that my thoughts are not aligned in Love, I cancel the thought process and replace it with something more positive. For example, if somebody irritates me due to a personality clash I will tell myself I love that person; for they are but an aspect of myself, as we are All One. I have found often that a personality clash only happens when you deny that a certain part of yourself exists. Accept All of yourself and you will accept others. Confront that part of yourself and then let it go if you need to.
The overcoming of spiritual pride and the ego will always lead you to a sense of acceptance for those around you on a much higher level that transcends the ego. It leads to a sense of oneness, and although you do not have to share the same ideals, you are no better or worse that the other people who are on this planet : we all have that Divine Spark within us that is the Source of All.
And most of all, remember that spiritual pride can be used a tool to bettering the self as long as you make the effort to figure out what is it in you that is making your ego assert itself. What are you holding onto out of fear, or what are you resisting out of fear in regards to your spiritual development ? Are there wounds you have been ignoring that are now coming to the surface for healing ? The ego will once again quieten down when that “power” that it had over you is abolished through healing, Love and Light.
Remember spiritual pride is not exclusive to religion, it is possible whenever and wherever ideologies clash. The key to avoiding this is to just accept the path and journey of others, offer your opinions if you wish but don’t tell others that they are wrong. If people want to know the truth it is up to them to explore their spiritual side. You are here to inspire, not perspire over humanity; let others be responsible for their own spiritual development : You cannot tell others what their wisdom is, they have to learn it for themselves.
H. Alderman
Source : In5D.Com
mardi 27 août 2013
Excerpt from Far Journeys
This is a short excerpt from Monroes' book "Far Journeys" (pg. 80-82). He wakes up at sleepers world and gets a lesson from Bill. Enjoy reading it.
lundi 26 août 2013
Conscious Words
The Monroe Institute asked 27 people to use only one word to define consciousness. This is what they said.
dimanche 25 août 2013
samedi 24 août 2013
Quantum Nonlocality - Subjective OBE
Skip Atwater asks if the out-of-body experience (OBE) is a subjective interpretation of quantum entanglement. Perhaps understanding this will help explain the evolution and transformation of human consciousness.
vendredi 23 août 2013
Visiting the Afterlife
Bob Monroe describes Lifeline, a program that provides access to paranormal, PSI states of human consciousness providing access to the afterlife. Its primary emphasis is one of service - service to those Here in physical matter reality and service to those There who have made the transitions from the physical and who may benefit from assistance.
jeudi 22 août 2013
Phasing Levels of Consciousness
Bob Monroe explains levels of human consciousness developed as a concept based on his out-of-body (OBE) experiences and paranormal guidance as a PSI component of astral travel and quantum non-local experiences.
mercredi 21 août 2013
Bob Monroe's first OBE
Bob Monroe, Founder of The Monroe Institute, describes his first out-of-body experience (OBE) and transformation of human consciousness which resulted. Paranormal guidance, a PSI component of astral travel, typified his non-local experience.
mardi 20 août 2013
Ultimate Journey
Ultimate Journey - The Awakening
In his book, "Far Journeys", Bob Monroe introduced the concept of Escape Velocity... not in reference to his out-of-body experiences, but as a way of explaining how we can break away from the seemingly never ending Earth-life cycle. In his view, this was to be done by collecting "energy" from the original creative source during our lifetimes and thereby awaking consciousness and attaining escape velocity. He sometimes referred to the lack of escape velocity, and the subsequent Earth-life entrapment belief system, as being "terra-fied". In Bob's last book, "Ultimate Journey", his nonphysical EXCOM or Executive Committee brought up the idea of Escape Velocity once again. Bob was told that as one attains this velocity, so to speak, one achieves freedom... not for just eternity but infinity... an interesting choice of words from EXCOM's point of view.
samedi 17 août 2013
Butterfly in Epic Slow Motion
Why do butterflies flutter ? Nic and Si reveal exactly what's happening during the flight of these beautiful creatures with the help of a super slow motion camera.
vendredi 16 août 2013
Multi-Dimensional Awareness
Expanding Our Awareness to See a Multi-Dimensional Reality
We perceive Reality through our senses which convince us that the way in which we experience the world around us is exactly the way it exists. The true nature of Reality, however, is not experienced through this superficial perception of the world and limits the incredible (some say magical) nature of the universe and beyond. Thanks to the new physics led by such luminaries as David Bohm, Ervin Laszlo and Fred Alan Wolf, the collective consciousness now has easy access to the in-formation about the universe showing us that Reality is far more complex and interwoven that we have imagined it to be.
The illusion of a stable dense reality that we call the third dimension can distort our very understanding of what we are, how we are, and why we are. We oftentimes put too much trust in our basics senses without seeing if there is more than meets the eye (oftentimes doing so in order to create simple answers to complex questions). The wonderful truth is that there is much, much more to life than this. The new physics validates many understandings of life, the universe, and Reality as a whole that were experienced by the sages, the mystics, and the meditators of ages past. One of the most incredible validations is the reality of multi-dimensionality.
David Bohm, one of the most forward-thinking paradigm-shifters of the new physics, had discovered through mathematical equations and actual experiments that particles making up matter in the form of a flower, chair, human, etc. are literal “projections of a higher-dimensional reality which cannot be accounted for in terms of any force or interaction between them”.
It’s discoveries and proclamations such as this one that have helped establish with larger and larger certainty the idea that we are living and experiencing a world that is a holographic projection out of some primary Reality. It is the understanding of such a fundamental aspect of reality that made physicists such as Albert Einstein and Max Planck to effectively put forward the idea that matter, the way we perceive it to be, does not exist.
When we understand that all is one and that everything is connected to everything else within our lives, the planet and the universe, then we cannot just stop there…we have to expand it far beyond these limitations. David Bohm explained that the “implicate order (the unbroken wholeness of the totality of existence as an undivided flowing movement without borders) has to be extended into a multidimensional reality. In principle, this reality is one unbroken whole, including the entire universe with all its ‘fields’ and ‘particles.’”
Reality may seem vast, elaborate and complex yet it is ultimately an undivided Whole.
We perceive the Whole as something that is incredibly fractionated in all sorts of ways (stars are different from swimming pools which are different from bananas which are different from video games) yet all of these supposed divisions arise from the same Source field and energy that expresses itself in a unique way as to develop this Source field of energy in as many different configuration patterns as is possible… and anything is possible leaving this truly infinite in its scope.
Accepting a multidimensional reality is one of the most significant paradigm shifts that you can have in your lifetime. The way you look at everything changes. You even have the ability to experience reality in a far wider way than you once did since you will be more aware of there being more than what you previously thought there was “out there.” All the seemingly empty space around you will not be empty anymore. Bohm and other physicists have shifted their positions of awareness to see the world through this new lens of wonderment. Bohm said that “what we call empty space contains an immense background of energy, and matter as we know it is a small, ‘quantized’ wavelike excitation on top of this background, like a tiny ripple on a vast sea.”
Looking deeper into these energy ripples on the cosmic sea, physicists have found that in a cubic centimeter of seemingly-empty space, with the shortest possible wave (10^-33 cm), there is far more energy than the total energy of all the physical matter in the known universe. The amazing and incredible nature of this discovery is almost surreal, yet it’s been found to be a very real aspect of our Reality.
Why live in a shadow of what truly is ? Let go of all past perceptions about a bland three-dimensional Reality that you may have once had. Understand, experience, and embrace the upgraded reality you can now undoubtedly become aware of. See the incredible magic that you are a part of, since you are multidimensional just as everything else is. Welcome to your new upgraded Reality. Your life will look completely different from here on out.
About the Author
Paul Lenda is a conscious evolution guide, author of The Creation of a Consciousness Shift, and co-founder of SHIFT>, a social community focused on anchoring in the new paradigm and assisting the positive transformation of humanity. With the drive to be aware of and experience the wider horizon of Reality, Paul has developed an extensive background in the spiritual and transformative elements of life; one that is both knowledge and experienced-based. Visit his website www.shift.is, follow him on Twitter or visit the Shift Facebook community.
Source : wakingtimes.com
jeudi 15 août 2013
mercredi 14 août 2013
mardi 13 août 2013
A Clear Vision
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens - CG Jung
lundi 12 août 2013
Le Poète et le Monde
Pour le poète, le monde est toujours vierge... Il recommence tout à partir des fondements - Ralph Waldo Emerson
dimanche 11 août 2013
La Nymphe, le Poète et les Eléments
Le poète a inventé la nymphe mais la nature avait déjà créé l’océan, le nuage et la femme - Anatole France
Ou peut-être est-ce l'inverse... - Nymphalia
samedi 10 août 2013
vendredi 9 août 2013
Imaginal Cells and Butterfly
A Story for Our Times
When a caterpillar nears its transformation time, it begins to eat ravenously, consuming everything in sight (it is interesting to note that individuals are often called “consumers” and one of the largest manufacturers of heavy construction machinery is called “Caterpillar, Inc.). The caterpillar body then becomes heavy, outgrowing its own skin many times, until it is too bloated to move. Attaching to a branch (upside down, where everything is turned on its head) it forms a chrysalis—an enclosing shell that limits the caterpillar’s freedom for the duration of the transformation.
Within the chrysalis a miracle occurs. Tiny cells, that biologists actually call “imaginal cells,” begin to appear. These cells are wholly different from caterpillar cells, carrying different information, vibrating to a different frequency–the frequency of the emerging butterfly. At first, the caterpillar’s immune system perceives these new cells as enemies, and attacks them, much as new ideas in science, medicine, politics, and social behavior are viciously denounced by the powers now considered mainstream. But the imaginal cells are not deterred. They continue to appear, in even greater numbers, recognizing each other, bonding together, until the new cells are numerous enough to organize into clumps. When enough cells have formed to make structures along the new organizational lines, the caterpillar’s immune system is overwhelmed. The caterpillar body then becomes a nutritious soup for the growth of the butterfly.
When the butterfly is ready to hatch, the chrysalis becomes transparent. The need for restriction has been outgrown. Yet the struggle toward freedom has an organic timing.
And is connected to the breath. A children's book that I read stated that the butterfly "pops" it's chrysalis by taking a deep, full breath. As the butterfly emerges, it's upside down. It immediately turns right side up and it proceeds to holds it's chrysalis with such reverence, I can "hear" it saying "thank you" to where it came from. When we've been through troubles of trauma, it can be difficult to find the gratitude for where we came from. It may be empowering to pause in this reading and give thanks to your self and to all the sentient beings who supported you through the times of loss.
With loss there can be a loss of innocence. And the paradox is that in losing innocence a new found wisdom is gained. In this new wisdom there is even greater inner connection to innocence, allowing the possibility for wholeness.
Anodea Judith - Waking the Global Heart
Source : Butterfly Mysteries
jeudi 8 août 2013
The Awakening - Matter and Cells
The Earth is awakening. Humanity is awakening. We are not awakening simply to a new mental experience and knowledge of life, nor are we simply awakening to a new spiritual paradigm and existence. We are awakening even in the very material substance of our bodies. Matter itself is awakening. It is awakening from a billion-years trance in which it has been imprisoned. It is awakening from a mental stranglehold which has held it captive in its web-like snare, limited it from being what Matter purely is when it is free of Mind. Matter is not dead. It never was. It only appears to be to our limited perceptiveness of life. Our minds could not grasp the experience of the smallest particles of life for much of our human history, and so our experience has been dominated by the superficial, the surface appearances and movements which are absorbing and consuming, confusing and addicting. With our minds we have sought to understand matter and its ways, its life and energies. But it is not with our minds that we can see the depths of Matter’s truths, nor the truth of the human spirit. We have not truly peered within ourselves with our inner sense, in the complete silence of the mind and emotions and sensations, and, because of this fact, we – including all the religions, spiritualities, and yogas of the history of the world – have not been able to discover that Matter contains its own greater truth which is inherently connected to the truth of all of life.
Most of the religious and spiritual philosophies have put forth visions or messages about the realization of a “heaven on Earth,” but most have strangely adopted beliefs which suggest that heaven is beyond Earth and that the goal of spiritual progress is to ultimately renounce the world and life and be free of it all, to escape to some paradise beyond. This is why all have ultimately failed in their attempts to change the world, for they cannot change a world that they see as sinful and ignorant, as illusion and false, when they also believe in escapism. Escapism shall change nothing. Matter is not evil, though it is dominated now by our mental ignorance, our human consciousness of falsehood. Yet this is not our truth, nor the ultimate truth of Matter itself. This is the great Mask which is hiding the real Face of Truth. The true Face of Matter. Matter as we experience it is not true Matter, but Matter enslaved by humanity’s limited consciousness, a consciousness of Mind, and of uncontrolled vital force. We experience Matter according to our inner state of being, a state of being which dominates even the substance of our own bodies. It is too simplistic to say that it is our everyday thinking mind which dictates our body’s experience, though thought and the “ordinary mind” does have its influence. It is, rather, our entire Consciousness which is made up of various aspects and qualities and functions and planes of being which creates the experience of our everyday lives. We are composed of mental energies, as well as vital energies and forces (Life-Force), and then of course our physical natures, the substance of our bodies which are the foundation of our experience. The vital and mental planes of our being also within themselves have various aspects special to their nature, and all are bound up and interconnected within the physical embodiment (both individually and collectively). Ultimately all of these aspects of our being – mental, vital, physical – are integrated within one united whole of a greater Spiritual existence, a Spirit-Substance which is, in truth, the Divine Itself in its phenomenal manifestation. All of life, including Matter, is the supreme manifestation of a living Divine Consciousness, a Supreme Being, God in the most all-encompassing sense.
Our world today is undergoing a shift in its perception of life and its perception of matter. This shift will be seen as an immense leap into the future of the human experience. We are slowly beginning to realize that this extreme distinction between spirit and matter, between God and Life, which we have held in most of our belief systems throughout human history is not true. We are awakening to both the understanding that Matter is simply the manifestation of Spirit-Energy, that Matter is the living, breathing, evolving substance of God, of the Divine Consciousness which animates all of life.
There is no opposition ! Matter is form of Spirit, the living embodiment of this thing we call God. Of course, by this we do not mean that this present manifestation of matter in our current reality and our experience of it is the absolute and total and perfect embodiment of the Divine. What this means is that all of Matter reflects some aspect of this Divine Consciousness. Currently matter is immersed in a consciousness of falsehood which we could very easily call unconsciousness or Ignorance as known by many in the Eastern spiritual traditions. Yet while matter is controlled and transfixed in this unconsciousness there is in the heart of Matter an involved and potential Divine Consciousness which is behind all of it, urging the creation towards its Truth, its essential Source which is this Divine Consciousness. This hidden Divinity in the Rock, in Matter, slowly works and evolves out of Its own Spirit Substance more of Itself, more and more of Its Divine Existence and Nature, building and expanding and growing the creation until it becomes prepared and capable of manifesting the true Fullness of the Divine Consciousness and its infinite and eternal splendors which lie beyond our present experience of life. Again, I will repeat that it is IN MATTER where one can find the Divine Presence and Truth, and that Matter can help us to realize this. This is where we can discover that the cells, the most humble and sincere and all-serving Cells of Life, are the supreme emissaries of God, of the Divine Consciousness.
The cells are not simply part of evolution, the cells ARE evolution. It is absolutely true that we evolve spiritually, mentally, vitally, and psychically, but it is in our bodies, IN MATTER, where all of this evolution truly effects and transforms life, infusing new material realities into our existence. Whatever spiritual evolution or growth occurs within ourselves, it is only when it is brought down to the level of Matter, through all the layers and levels of our being and consciousness, and into the cellular consciousness of our bodies, that evolution can materialize the Divine Truth in the physical plane of existence. As long as we stay in our mental or vital “heavens,” the physical, material plane of life on Earth stays the same and undergoes no real transformation. It is in the cells where the battle of the past, the present, and the Future is taking place.
Source : Noël
mercredi 7 août 2013
The Illusions of Reality
The Illusions of Reality - Life, Death & Time
Evita Ochel and Anthony Peake
Anthony Peake is a researcher in the areas of metaphysics and quantum physics, a public speaker and author of 5 books with his most recent titles including The Out Of Body Experience : The History & Science of Astral Travel and The Labyrinth of Time : The Illusion of Past, Present & Future. He is a member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, The Scientific & Medical Network and the Society for Psychic Research. He and his work have been featured on numerous British and International media outlets.
In the show entitled "The Illusions of Reality : Life, Death & Time", Anthony shares some of his research and hypotheses about these themes, including major topics like:
- The illusion of solidity and "seeing is believing"
- The role the brain and eyes play in creating reality
- Is the external world created internally
- Where is the consciousness located
- The Zero Point Field
- The role of perception, belief and expectation in creating our reality
- The role of the observer in creating the reality
- Singular versus collective consciousness
- The connection to a virtual reality and the work of Thomas Campbell
- The nature of reality as holographic
- Common misconceptions about Out of Body Experiences
- Understanding dreams/precognitive dreams/lucid dreams
- Understanding the out of body experience as an intrasomatic experience
- Mention of neurotransmitters like Melatonin, Metatonin (DMT)
- The connection of the hypnagogic state to the OBE
- Characteristics of a NDE (near death experience)
- "Cheating the Ferryman" hypothesis and reincarnation
- "Bohmian IMAX" hypothesis
- The impact of the Golden Rule and Karma
- An overview of Anthony's new book "The Labyrinth of Time"
- Time as a construct of the mind
mardi 6 août 2013
9 Key Components of the Shift
9 Key Components of the Shift Towards Higher Consciousness
Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times
Facing considerable political, economic, social and ecological crises, the human race is desperate for a transformation and a new direction. Business as usual ensures that we are doomed to run a course of half-conscious self-destruction, as man-made catastrophes multiply and stress mounts in every aspect of life. We must overthrow our ignorance, as it has become a fearful master, goading us into war, pollution, waste and exploitation.
The social problems and entrenched patterns at the source of global issues are too vast and complex to be solved at the personal level, yet, paradoxically, the personal transformation of the individual offers a lonesome opportunity to avert the catastrophes we are engineering for ourselves. Human consciousness has a critical role to play in our collective destiny and there is a seismic shift occurring here that is creating a rising class of conscious people better equipped than ever to deal with such a chaotic environment.
The shift. It is the dramatic re-ordering of one’s psyche, producing changes that greatly benefit the body, mind and spirit. It is marked by considerable expansion of awareness of the inner spaces of mind and heart, and of the inter-dependent nature of all things. It is a reconstruction of one’s life and purpose rebuilt on a foundation of truth, peace, strength and flexibility, and it is brought about by a laborious and sufferable process of reflection and self-realization. The end result of the shift is the experience of a new, world-centric perspective on life, the reclamation of mental and physical health, and the discovery of the strength, courage and fearlessness needed to wade through these interesting times.
Personal evolution is both the great duty and the great joy of all human beings and is a process of divine significance, frequently unfolding in overlapping stages and related developments. Here are 9 key components of the shift commonly experienced by evolving people, not necessarily occurring in a particular order.
1. Contemporary Consciousness – The mass consciousness of production, consumption, submission and nihilism is where the shift begins. This is the consensus trance that we have been programmed to accept as real life, while obediently serving our worst interests without examination or question. Contemporary consciousness is acquiescence to insanity for the sake of convenience. Breaking through contemporary consciousness is to strike the very root of our global dilemma. Numb, drugged, and senseless, this level of consciousness is a psychic plague blotting out our potential.
2. A Disturbance in the Force – Like a canary in a coal mine, a warning appears from somewhere, grabbing our attention, rattling our confidence, pulling us out of our tunnel vision. Some small piece of information gathered from the alternative press or from a documentary film eats at our understanding of how the world is set up, and the shift begins. This sets the stage for a deep and serious personal crises to erupt, and often engages a ferocious drive for knowledge and truth.
3. An Introspective Quest for Knowledge & Truth - Knowledge and information are the fuel for personal transformation. Once awakened, our natural draw towards truth and justice calls us to consider new ideas and outside perspectives as we search for a new bearing in a crumbling understanding of the world. Introspection reveals answers to never-before asked questions and the accompanying interest in ‘alternative’ information and ideas provides answers that profoundly contradict contemporary consciousness. Once this quest is initiated the world never again looks the same.
4. The Dark Night of the Soul – The disturbance begins to conflict with contemporary consciousness so severely that the amount of cognitive dissonance required to adhere to the status quo life manifests materially as serious personal mental and physical health crises. The foundation for this catastrophic and catalyzing series of events has been under construction for most of life up to this point, and as such, the mind, body and spirit can be forced to endure unimaginable lows as the entire sum and meaning of one’s existence is smashed and broken to pieces under the weight of one’s denial about their complicity in their own self-destruction.
This is the ultimate test. To pass it one must endure the pain to the ultimate degree, and simply not give up. For many, the dark night of the soul lasts for years, marking the most serious, frightening and life-changing phase of life. Succumbing to the suffering here means giving in to total annihilation and choosing the path of serious self-deceit, total submission to ego and to false authority, addiction, reckless endangerment of the self, suicide, overdose, etc.
5. Discovery of Real Medicine – Something helps us through this crisis by easing the pain of our suffering, gently re-building positive energy and providing sufficient distraction while the body and spirit begin to reclaim health. Medicine here is not pharmaceutical, but therapeutical, and can come in the form of an artistic endeavor or exercise, or better yet, an intense study of an esoteric healing physical art like Qi Gong, Yoga, Kung Fu, meditation, and so on. Medicine may also be found amongst healers, therapists, shaman, or even plant medicines like Ayahuasca and Iboga. Finding the activity or experience that nudges you away from the brink of destruction and towards healing is a critical component of the shift.
6. Purification and Detox – Along the quest for knowledge we discover the toxic nature of our processed and sedentary lifestyle and realize the need for detox and purification. Learning about fluoride, heavy metals, GMO’s and the poisons in our food reveals the link between our emotional state, stress levels, well-being and conscious awareness. A new relationship with food is developed and taking care of the body and health gradually becomes easier.
Our toxic environment also includes our social atmosphere and here we are compelled to tune out of mainstream media, conversation and logic, purging ourselves of the garbage that so many people consider important. Our consumption of mainline ideas is reduced and our mind regains a footing of independence in a sea of sensationalized conformity.
7. Re-thinking of Authority, Dependence and Liberty – As the detox pushes older versions of the self out of the way, rejuvenating the psyche, a new picture of the self emerges in a world that no longer looks anything like it did before. The designs of control and manipulation governing our social institutions and traditions are rightfully exposed as farcical constructs that deter our evolution, while modern politics and government are understood to be laughable traps of dependence and deceit and therefore no longer beneficial to positive growth. The people that invest their lives and identities in these schemes seem desperate and needy of purpose, fanatical and outrageously too certain and too serious about life.
Non-conformity and non-compliance become moral obligations and liberty is revalued to include freedom from living in the fear-based consciousness offered as the default way of life. Ordinary people seem strange now in how they self-organize into ridiculous pecking orders, squabbling for position at work and submitting to any ‘authority figure’ with a badge and cheap uniform. It becomes clear that freedom has less to do with laws and more to do with voluntary submission, and liberty becomes a constant struggle to decrease dependence on the systems that complicate life.
8. Letting Go of and Discarding that Which Does Not Serve – In order to move through the process of transformation, it is absolutely necessary to jettison the things, people, relationships, habits, and ideas which no longer serve and support us. Human beings energetically interact with the objects and people in our environment, and eliminating and purging sources of stagnant energy and negativity creates space for new experience and inspiration to enter and flow into life. This is one of the most renewing components in this transformation.
9. Initiation into Mystery - Material science and mainstream thought exclude forms of mystery and paranormal activity from consideration in our culture, therefore making an initiation into the world of the unexplainable a common feature of the shift. For some reason, as a person changes in this fashion, strange and fascinating events occur that chip away at the certainties that support consensus material reality. Synchronicities emerge and moments of clarity give greater meaning to the mundane. Awareness of the subtle life force energy, Qi or Prana, develops, and ancient modalities of thought and concentration elicit strangely powerful revelations. Once the veil of the rigid scientific mindset is pierced, intuition and curiosity flourish and one re-assesses the potential in all things and in all circumstances, abandoning certainty in favor of wonder. Life becomes at sacred, as it should be.
The shift is nothing short of total personal revolution, and signals the re-organization of the mind and psyche for the benefit of the individual and the collective. It is about remembering who we are and overcoming the momentous inertia of the self-destructive programming in our modern world. Coming to extra-ordinary consciousness and awareness from the depths of the contemporary trance that sickens so many people is a process compelled by both natural forces and personal will and is part of our unique journey towards individuation, freedom, and happiness in this amazing world, at this incredible time.
About the Author
Dylan Charles is a student and teacher of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, a practitioner of Yoga and Taoist esoteric arts, and an activist and idealist passionately engaged in the struggle for a more sustainable and just world for future generations. He is the editor of WakingTimes.com, the proprietor of OffgridOutpost.com, a grateful father and a man who seeks to enlighten others with the power of inspiring information and action. His remarkable journey of self-transformation is a testament to the power of the will and the persistence of the human spirit. He may be contacted at wakingtimes@gmail.com
lundi 5 août 2013
dimanche 4 août 2013
samedi 3 août 2013
Le Nozze di Figaro - Sull'aria
Scene from 1976 Jean-Pierre Ponnelle's movie version of "Le nozze di Figaro, ossia la folle giornata" (The Marriage of Figaro, or the Day of Madness), composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1786).
Conductor : Karl Böhm
Ensemble : Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Act III Scene 10 : Duet
Countess Almaviva - Kiri Te Kanawa (Soprano)
Susanna - Mirella Freni (Soprano)
vendredi 2 août 2013
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